The track meet this weekend is the Tru Speed Track Meet and will be in Desoto, TX.
The schedule is below.
UPDATE: 12U events are below.
Please remember that events can change at coach's discretion. If you do not see your athlete's event on the list, they still need to come and compete. See your coach when you get to the track meet.
Field event and running athletes arrive to the track by 7:30a.
You will receive uniforms on Thursday, May 13 during practice. If you do not pick up on Thursday, you can pick it up on Monday. We will not have uniforms at the track meet.
UPDATE: Attire: Uniforms did not arrive on time today, so wear Hallmark t-shirt (or a black shirt if you do not have a Hallmark shirt) and black bottoms.
Dress according to the weather. Also, athletes should not walk around the track meet all day in just uniform only. Please wear shorts or pants over the uniform and a t-shirt. Also, athletes should not wear spikes unless they are about to run on the track. They do not need to be sitting in the stands with spikes still on. Please change shoes after competiting.
When you arrive to the track, please just find a spot to sit or wait. Once the team has secured their spot, we will send a text out where the team is sitting.
