We will participate in the 903 Invitational meet in Gilmer, TX on Saturday, May 14.
The team will have a charter bus going to the meet. The cost is $35 per athlete that is riding with the team. {$25 bus, $5 meet entry fee, $5 food on the way back}.
Sign up on Thursday at practice to pay for your athlete's spot on the bus (if they are not riding with you). The bus is first come, first pay.
Those riding the bus or who want to follow the bus, meet at 5:30am in the parking lot of CiCi's pizza in Forest Hill. The bus will leave promptly at 6am.
Please make sure your athlete eats breakfast before loading the bus.
On Thursday, also let your coach know how your child is getting to the meet (riding with you or riding bus or not going at all)
The estimated time of return is 7pm. Please make sure you are at CiCi's pizza on time to pick up your athlete. We will send a text out when we are leaving the meet.
